Sunday, October 30, 2011

Celebrating Halloween? Think again sinner!

Y'all know my beliefs are all Jesus is the reason for the season whether its Christmas or July 4th or Tax Day I'm all about "This was a Christian holiday first" . So here we are again with Halloween which was originally called Hallalujaween back in Jesus times when Jesus would do some ofhis best tricks .ike walkin on water or his treats like makin a whole picnic of filet-o-fish sandwiches from a can of tuna and a slice of wonderbread. But ofcourse the Godless folks changed it to the devil worshippin it is today. Candy is nice though. At least they did SOMETHIN right. Anyway, enjoy this weeks message of truth and stay blessed.


  1. So Jesus was a satanist, is that what you are saying DonDon?

  2. HOw on earth did you deduce that Jesus was a Satanist from any morsel of what I've said EVER? If you take ONE thing away from my posts it's that BE ADVENTUROUS with food , AND JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO ETERNAL SaLVATION IN HEAVEN!!!
